Saturday, June 16, 2007

Teh meeting! (Yes, it was supposed to say 'teh')

'The meeting was awesome-slash-scary-slash-weird-slash-cool. I give it four out of five stars, the fifth star taken off for inconveinent arrivals. But a movie credit would probably give it five for the fight scene.
Yes, a fight scene. Just keep reading.
Well, I watched them walk in. They were looking around, and when they found the tree I was in, they were like, "Holy shizz-muffins!" Okay, they didn't say that, but I really like that phrase. But they were pretty shocked to find out- gasp!- I wasn't a liar or an online predator or something stupid like that.
But our fun was ruined when suddenly I felt something choking me. Star punched it, and when I turned around I saw it was one of those eraser-like creatures. We popped out our wings, and started flying away- but then something tossed us to the ground. When I looked up, I saw it was some weird bird... thing. It was blood-red and had scales. It didn't have a beak, either. It was really, really, REALLY weird.But it could fly and fight, so we were stuck doing the same thing. Not one of us exited the fight spotless. Whoever cleans that park- sorry about the blood and feathers all over the entrance. We didn't plan on that happening. But you can go ahead and assume someone shot a bird because you're probably not reading this.But when we got away, Star suddenly announced, "Arella, because you're one of the Crystaralight-moon princesses, you can be in our Flock if you want. There's going to be a lot of danger coming to you for now on, from those eraser-things and whatever those bird-things were, so it would be safer to come with us. You don't have to, but if you want-"
"Yes, I would love to join your Flock!" I interrupted.
"Great. Now let's get the heck outta here before someone comes and accuses us of having a wild bird-shooting contest." Rose giggled. I nodded, and we all flew off.
So, nothing very exciting happened today. So I'm not going to even bother updating you, because it will just be, like, 'We all flew off and I think we're in New Jersey now. We flew for a really long time. For most of the day. Did I mention we flew alot?' so, uh, yeah. I'll update you tomorow.
- Arella

Friday, June 15, 2007

Meeting Star & her Flock, cutting my knee, and 5 million clicks for nothing, oh my!

Well, I meet Star & her Flock in a half hour. I am so excited! I can't wait to meet other people like me. Before I felt so alone and weird until I read her blog. It feels good to have more people like me. I can't wait!!!
Anyways... yesterday my life totally changed. BIG-TIME.
I was walking in the city, and suddenly a guy propped a gun against my head. He threatened me to give him my amulet or he'd shoot me. I blasted light at him and he fell down, and when he got up... he morphed into an Eraser-like creature.
I was totally freaked out. I ran into an alley and transformed into my new form. I fought the Eraser-thing for a bit, and finally decided to leave. The stupid Eraser-thing had slashed my knee, and it started bleeding like CRAZY. I was able to make it stop bleeding, but now there's a nasty scar that won't go away, even with magic. It's terrible.
In other news, I stayed up clicking on and I was one of the people who got it to 5 MILLION CLICKS- looks like it was all for nothing, though. Check out the site now, stupid Flyboys (Who think they're Erasers o_0) totally vandalised the site. Maybe I could sue them for vandalism, teehee. :D
- (A very excited/mad/weirded-out) Arella

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Meeting Star!

I'm meeting Seralina/Star in real life on Friday.
Why should I not be worried?
Because I've got magical powers and a pair of WINGS for Pete's sake. (Whoever Pete is.) So if there's any danger, a quick zap and a few wing flaps will bring me to safety.
Even though I'm not expecting Star to be evil or anything. I can sense that she's not a lyer. (And, er, when I sense stuff, it happens.)
Anyways, back to business.
Today I tried the amulet on. And when I did... I transformed.
I had on this GORGEOUS orange-pink top and skirt. I also had knee-high orange boots with pink crystals at the clasps. And fingerless gloves and a gold tiara. My hair got longer and straighter, and my eyes turned orange-pink instead of hazel. And my wings got a few inches longer.
It was GORGEOUS. Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS.
I LOVE it soooo much! So pretty. Whenever I'm not in disguise as a normal human, I'll be in my transformed state. It's so gorgeous.
- Arella (Not calling myself Elara until I get used to it.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Finding It All Out!

I told a fellow blogger about me being from Cellestina and I asked if that was one of the moons of Crystaralight, and here's her responce:
"Yes! That's the the crystal-light(celestial) moon! Do you have any sorta Opal necklace? Cause I was told all the princesses have special amulets to symbolize their powers. I think they're is more than one Celestina princess. The names that ring a bell are: Alena, Celina and Elara. Any of those ring bells? Ratana, your last name ment crystal. Just replying to your question!~*Star*"
My responce to that?
"Elara sounds familiar times a million. Arella, Erella, Elerra, Elara... see? And after a quick snatch of a photocopy of my adoption certificate my adoption-parents gave me (I needed it for a school project) my original name was 'Elara Solaris', but they liked the name 'Arella' more so they changed it to that. (Those weirdos.) And I don't have a special necklace... or do I? Maybe I'll find a necklace that seems familiar at a jewelry store. I'll stop by all the jewelry stores I can find today. - Arella"
So that's why I didn't post yesterday. I stopped by millions and millions of jewelry stores, getting many funny looks because my clothes are uber dirty now and I didn't carry a Louis Vuity or whatever it's called purse. They must've been thinking, "How the heck does that girl expect to afford this stuff?!?" Teehee.
Anyways, I eventually stopped by a jewelry store, and totally zoned out when I saw this gorgeous sunstone amulet. I was kind of just standing there. Staring. With all of the costumers staring at me, too, because I was staring at the amulet. And finally I realised what was happening, so I reached in my pocket and got out fifty dollars, all the money I had. Too bad the amulet was eighty.
So, I did what any kid would do... er, well, any kid who NEEDS the amulet to help her powers and has wings so she knows she could get away as fast as possible- I snatched the amulet off of the display and ran out. The security started running after me. Good thing I'm fast... but not for long. I stumbled on a rock! I fell to the ground, and when I got up, one of the guys was about to whack me with his club- so I threw some light at him, and he fell to the ground, moaning in pain. The others gasped, and instantly got their shotguns out. I knew magic wouldn't be fast enough to block the speeding bullets because I'm not that great at it, so I popped my wings out and flew away. They obviously thought the light was really poison dust or something, because they were pretty shocked when my wings popped out. Most of them dropped their guns on the ground.
Thankfully, it was 3:00 AM so no news reporters were out. So no worries on bad publicity. For now.
- Arella

Sunday, June 10, 2007

If you think you see an angel in New York tonight, PLEASE don't call the cops.

Well. Sorry I didn't update you on the doctor's appointment or anything that happened yesterday.
I was, er... busy.
And when I say busy, I mean flying in the night sky with beautiful angel wings, worry-free, not having to return to the place I once called 'home' again.
Well, here's the 411:
At the doctor's appointment, after my normal check-up, we showed him the marks with the feathers. So I got an x-ray, and, well... apparently, there were wings tucked inside my body that apparently were retractable if I wanted them out to use.
I'm going to assume that's not normal.
After explaining what they were, the doctor looked up at my mom.
"Mrs. Ratana... did you, well, d-d-did you know about your daughters... w... w... wings...?" The doctor sputtered. He was pretty shocked. "And.. a-a-are there any other s-special abilities that your d-daughted owns...?"
My adoption-mom was really quiet for a few minutes, staring at her feet. And then she looked up at the doctor.
"Yes. I knew about the wings. And this girl has magical powers." She said, real serious. I heard myself gasp. "Arella, show him your powers."
I looked up at adoption-mom. How the heck did she know I had powers?
"Uh... okay..." I whispered. I closed my eyes, and heard the doctor yell. When I opened my eyes, he was floating in mid-air, just as I meant him to. I gazed up at adoption-mom and the doctor fell onto the floor. "How did you know?"
"The people at the adoption center knew. They had seen you use magic when you were a baby. And your wings would occasionally pop out, too. I decided not to tell you, because I didn't want you to be... scared." She said, her voice almost a whisper.
I was mad now. How could she not tell me?
"I wouldn't be scared!! I've known about my powers for MONTHS now! MONTHS!!!" I screamed, totally outraged.
"And Arella..." Adoption-mom whispered.
"WHAT?!?" I cried, flinging my hands up.
"I know who your parents are... they died from a war. On the world you were born on... it's called Celestina. It's the moon of some magical planet. Your parents had left a note with you before they abandened you, they sent you here for your own protection." She whispered.
"WHAT?!? YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME!! YOU CALL YOURSELF A MOTHER?!?" I screamed, tears streeming down my cheeks. Adoption-mom started crying.
"I wanted you to live a normal life! With no danger! No worries..." She sobbed.
And that was it. I closed my eyes and focused on the wings popping out. And they did. They were snow-white, with some light-light pink feathers dotted here and there. I focused on flapping, and I did. I opened the window and flew out. I went back to my adoption-parents house and snatched my dad's laptop- he has a special satellite one. It was too much to hear all of this info. My parents were dead, my adoption-parents always knew and never told me, they hid the most important secrets of my past. They were terrible, cruel people. I couldn't stand being near them ever again.
So I flew off.
I'm now in some park, pretty far away from where my adoption-parents lived. I'm up on a tree. This laptop is pretty good. I think I'm in northern New York, I was in southern NY before.
So, if you see an angel flying up in the sky tonight, it's either me or the Flock from another blog I'm reading, by two girls named Serallina and Rose. Don't call the cops on us because we're runaways.
We're just looking for a purpose in life. Trying to find out who we are, to know why we are here now.
- Arella

Friday, June 8, 2007

A good but painful day

Today was bittersweet.
In normal terms, everyday terms like school/life/whatevs, I had a good day. I don't need to go through the boring details, just everyday stuff like hanging out with my freinds at recess, playing dodgeball in gym, ect, ect, ect.
In not-so-normal terms, remember the marks on my back I told you about?
When I wook up this morning, they had broke open. And no, there was no blood or gross stuff.
There were FEATHERS.
White feathers, with occasional really-light pink ones.
I showed it to my adoption-mom. (That's what I like to call her.) She didn't look scared or surprised, she just bit her lip. She says she's changing the doctor's appointment to later today to get it checked out. So after my doctor's appointment, I'll make a second post. (For all you frequent-visitors- which is, like, nobody- I'll be back and post by about 6:00 PM)
Let's hope the doctor doesn't find out about my powers!
- Arella

Thursday, June 7, 2007

We are the champions of the phis-ed test (well, most of us)

Whoo! I passed the Presidential Physical Fitness Test (gosh that's a long name.) Most people I know did. Except friend/enemy, who turns out to really be a friend after a chit-chat with her about how I felt. (She says sorry, and she's just grumpy on Monday mornings.)
My friends brought in nailpolish again, and I decided not to wear bright, fire-engine red. :D
Since it was the last art club of the year, we had a pizza party! We played kickball at the end, and thanks to a little magic, I kicked the ball pretty far. (Yes, I know I've stated I hate kickball, I do. But EVERYONE in the whole art club was playing it, and sitting at the sidelines watching is way boring.)
Today rocked- except for one little problem:
My back hurt all day. Like crazy.
There's to little line-shaped spots next to eachother on the center of my back that have been getting redder and redder since a few days after I found out I had magic. They hurt so badly! It's really annoying. It's aching hard as I right this.
But other then that, today was totally rocking awesome.
- Arella
P.S. I have a doctors appointment Monday, so I won't be able to post then until, maybe 6 or 7 PM that night. Just an early heads-up incase I don't get a chance to post until then.