Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Weirdo school day (emphasis on the weirdo)

Uhh, okay.
It all started at recess.
I was bored out of my MIND because my best friend always plays kickball everyday at activity period. (Yes, 6th graders get activity period at my school. But next year we just get study hall. Bleh!) And I HATE kickball.
And, of course, a really snobby girl was there.
And she wanted me to hang out with her.
So, uh, I did. And me and her friends formed a buddy group-thing. And she asked me to sit with her at lunch.
So I did, and girl-who-picks-on-me-yet-calls-herself-my-friend from yesteday kept on glancing at me with a sad face the whole time.
What's up with that?
And, in magical news, I cast a good luck spell that this graded homework I did wouldn't bring down my grade. And, when my math teacher was handing them out, she was like, "This really brought down your grades, class." And she paused (because that was when I was doing my spell.) Then she said, "Uhh, nevermind. This won't count. Too many people did bad on it. Nevermind." and erased the grades from her gradebook.
- Arella

1 comment:

Star said...

That's awesome! I wouldn't want a bad grade either, but schools out for most people in the area I lived. So much for checking blog in mid-air! I don't wanna break it like Total did to Max's. (If you have a clue that I'm talking about Maximum Ride)
g2g! Bye!!!
~*Star* (& ***Rose***)
Thanks for visiting my blog too!